Looking to sell or buy a large tract of land?
Whether development or recreational, we are your company.
Newland Real Estate specializes in selling large acreage tracts for single family development, commercial development and recreational land. Over the past 24 months we have had the opportunity to list and sell numerous properties ranging from 1,300 acre ranches to 150 acre commercial developments. The expertise needed to intelligently promote your property gives our Brokers and Agents the tools needed to successfully sell your property. From platting, agricultural tax exemptions, right-of-way condemnation, oil and gas, and environmental science, our agents are well-equipped to explain all facets of selling and owning land. This knowledge drives our success. A network of high-qualified buyers has been cultivated and nourished over our combined 30 years serving North Texans. Made up of people we know, trust, and have done business with for years, we have the tools needed to connect Land Owners with those looking for their perfect property. Ranging from national home builders, to a rancher looking for land to carry on a family legacy our network is vast, and diversified.
165 acres I-35, Denton, Commercial
126 acres Sadler Hunting Ranch
28 acres US 380, Commercial
51 acres I 35, Denton, Commercial
282 acres Graham, Hunting Ranch
181 acres Valley View, Hunting Ranch
112 acres Collinsville, Hunting Ranch
200-1,428 acres Bellevue, Hunting Ranch
618 acres Bowie, Hunting Ranch
139 acres Nocona, Ranch Land
119 acres Nocona, Hunting Ranch
10 acres Masch Branch, Denton, Commercial
5.5 acres State School, Denton, Commercial
88 acres Hwy 380, Denton, Mixed Use
90 acres Loop 288, Mixed Use
117 acres CR 276, Gainesville, Ranch Land
21 acres Old Justin RD, Argyle, Mixed Use
40 acres Hwy 380, Denton, Commercial
143 acres Denton Single Family
318 acres Ponder, Commercial
1,383 acres Nocona, Recreational Ranch
910 acres Nocona, Recreational Ranch
1,300 acres Justin, Single Family Development
150 acres I-35 W Northlake, Mixed Use Commercial Development
49 acres Argyle, Commercial
205 acres Freeman Rd Sanger, Rural Residential
19 acres 35 W Argyle, Commercial
60 acres Krum, Single Family Development
559 acres Specht Road, Bowie, Hunting Ranch
160 acres Sanger, Rural Residential
50 acres FM 455 Sanger, Rural Residential
91 acres FM 428, Denton, Single Family
68 acres Sanger, Single Family
56 acres Argyle, Single Family
62 acres Sanger, Rural Residential
370 acres Cherokee Lane, Sanger, Recreational Ranch
222 acres Graham, Recreational Ranch
367 acres FM 1555, Recreational Ranch
141 acres FM 2896, Recreational Ranch
92 acres, Metz, Rural Residential
458 acres, Grinkle, Recreational Ranch
457 acres HWY 51, Boyd, Recreational Ranch
201 acres Waide Road, Recreational Ranch
1,254 acres Paducah, Hunting Ranch
111 acres Dixie School Road, Hunting Ranch
109 acres FM 4010, Rural Residential